Upper Extremity Prosthetics
Upper Extremity Prosthetics Devices
Coapt system is an exciting advancement that revolutionized upper extremity prosthetics. This system works on muscle pattern recognition. It is FDA Class II cleared and has increased the functionality of patients using a myoelectric prosthesis.
The Naked Hand by Naked Prosthetics has opened a new world of opportunity to partial hand amputees. The Naked Hand is customized to meet a patients needs. It is a durable, functional, finger prosthesis designed specifically to help patients with a partial hand amputation regain the function of their lost digit or digits.
Quantum has designed the iLimb which is unique because it can be gesture controlled. It can also be controlled by muscle, apps, or proximity. It has 5 independently moving digits.
OttoBock’s Bebionic hand is incredible and designed to be the most lifelike bionic hand. It has 14 different grip patterns and hand positions to help users accomplish any task they desire.
Living Skin s a lifelike passive prosthesis. It is a prosthesis designed to be unnoticed. It is fabricated using high definition silicone and hand painted to match a patients skin tone and appearance.
Qualified Practitioners
Lawall Prosthetic & Orthotic Services employs only well-trained and highly skilled orthotists and prosthetists who are certified by the American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics & Pedorthics and licensed within the states where they practice.